Steam rooms can be a relaxing way to spend a bit of time and can make you feel so much better when you get out. You will certainly be relaxed and there are claims that it can also give some relief to sufferers of asthma and certain other breathing ailments. However it is not just good news as there are people who should not use them and there can be serious consequence is they do.
Pregnant Women
If asked when should steam rooms not be used there are certain occasions when they should never be used. Once of the main times is when you are pregnant. There are a number of reasons for this and most of them relate to the health of the baby. This is more likely to make women stay away than it would if they thought it was their own health, as none of them would deliberately do anything to harm their unborn child.
The temperature should be no more than 100° if you feel that you should do it as it will be easy to overheat and this will not be good for you or the baby. The main problem when you are pregnant is that getting overheated will increase your heart rate and can limit the amount of blood that is getting to the uterus. This can distress the baby and can go as far as affecting the development. There is the added concern that as pregnant women find it difficult to cool down anyway there is the fear that you may faint. If you do there is the risk that you could either be injured by falling or end up in the steam room longer until you either come round or are found.
Knowing when should Steam Rooms not be Used
Being in a temperature of over 105° can be even more dangerous. Extreme heat can damage the growing cells and while you are not actually sitting in hot water there is hot steam and if the embryo gets very hot in the first few months the child could be deformed or there could even be a miscarriage. It may feel good to go into a steam room but it is not too much to expect that a pregnant woman will stay away for a while for the good of her unborn child.
Children should not use steam rooms either and knowing when should steam rooms not be used is important as well as why they should not be used. Children’s bodies are not as developed as they will be when they are older and they could suffer serious side effects. While it is said that a steam room can help with breathing this will be if the lungs are properly developed. This is not the case with children as theirs will not be developed and there will not only be a lack of good results but it can have a detrimental effect on them. There is also the fact that they are not able to cool down in the same way that an adult can. They do not sweat as much so they will feel hot and uncomfortable once they come out.