Steam is an incredible thing. It isn’t just vaporised and humidified water. Although some beliefs about steam don’t have the green light from science, there are some clear and noticeable benefits that have been documented. Steam can open the pores and help to clean the skin as well as aid in muscle healing, temporary dexterity, flexibility and calm. This is why some people believe that yoga should be practiced in a steam room. Bikram yoga in particular is done in a room with a high temperature and at least some steam to create ambience as well as intensify the health benefits of this practice.
If you are an avid lover of yoga and want to optimise the experience for yourself, it may help you to get your own yoga steam room or create one for yourself. This will transform the experience into something that is truly separated from reality. Yoga enthusiasts swear by the practice and who better to ask than those who have been doing it for ten years or more?
How do I get Started with a Yoga Steam Room?
If you’re ready to take the leap, your first step is going to be installing a steam generator in your bathroom or sauna space. The great thing about steam generators for homes is that they can be put in anywhere in the home. Of course, you will have to be practical and consider the fact that bursting steam into an area is the same as walking around with a high-powered spray bottle. It is wet.
Also, steam can get extremely hot which means that a lot of your furniture etc. can be compromised if you are not careful. Therefore it makes the most sense to have your yoga steam room in a tiled and waterproof area. This can also mean creating your own yoga steam room in a garden or outdoor flat or shed. If you are really enthusiastic about getting your yoga steam room in motion, you can even build one yourself. The generator is the most important component.
Yoga Steam Room Generator
The steam generator normally has a water tank, a spray nozzle and an element which heats the water. Be sure to get one that has some sort of outlet or nozzle for steam pressure. Do not try to make your own generator. This task should be left to a licensed artisan who works with these regularly. Plumbers are your best bet when it comes to installation. Be sure to make the area water tight.
Final Yoga Steam Room Steps
Once you have your generator set up with a grip for safety, you can start building up your yoga steam room. It is important that you have enough space to manoeuver and that you do not come into direct contact with the generator. Keep the space as simple as possible and start to enjoy the benefits of steam combined with this ancient practice. The art will quickly be transformed for you as your blood flows more quickly and you become more supple.