Many of us lead extremely stressful lives and suffer from the consequences of this every day. We neglect our health and can’t find the time to relax which leaves us stressed out and highly strung. Not to mention the fact that this affects the way that we look as well. If we can find the time to work out, it’s difficult to stretch afterwards because we are probably already late for an appointment or have to get the supper on or put up that set of shelves that’s been lying in a box for the last million years. It is extremely difficult to relax and heal after a strenuous workout.
Having your very own steam room can be an amazing gift to yourself. Not only are wet steam rooms trendy but also a fabulous addition to your health and wellbeing and let’s be honest, you deserve it. Of course, many of us can’t afford to simply pop out and buy a wet steam room for ourselves but there are changes that can be made to an existing bathroom which will not only add value to your house but also to your life.
The Benefits of a Wet Steam Room
Studies have shown that regular contact with steam can decrease your blood pressure and reduce stress levels dramatically. Also, these rooms promote natural sweating which helps keep the skin clean and healthy. It is however, important that you stay hydrated if you plan on using it regularly because of the heat. Other added benefits relate to the muscles most prominently. If you exercise regularly you can help your body’s healing process by getting into the wet steam room after your workout. This will allow the muscles to relax and heal more quickly into their new form. If you simply want to calm yourself after a long day at the office, you can use it to unwind.
Some Helpful Wet Steam Room Tips
If you are fitting a wet steam room in your home you will need to make sure that the steam cannot permeate into any nooks and crannies. This means ensuring the area is watertight. You can use carbon seals or poly filler to ensure that no space is left vulnerable. Also, there must be some form of ventilation in the area in order to ensure that steam can escape and you don’t end up practically flooding your bathroom for example. Be sure to have some sort of grip on the ground so that when things do get slippery, you don’t end up with your face on the floor!
If you have things in your bathroom that can rust or would eventually be damaged by prolonged exposure to water, consider putting up a barrier to protect them. This can be a glass, Perspex or even a plastic barrier depending on your own creativity and needs. If you are feeling adventurous then leave it open. It will make the room feel like the sauna in the gym. Spray jets in the bathroom work best to complete the feel. And voila! You are on your way to having your very own wet steam room.